Area Attractions

The Million Dollar Courthouse •  69 Lacour St, Pioche NV •  (775) 962-5182 

Our primary tourist attraction is the fascinating Million Dollar Courthouse, which was originally constructed at the height of Pioche’s mining productivity to deal with an overwhelming tide of criminal activity in this once lawless area. This sturdy brick edifice earned it’s nickname thanks to cost overruns, graft, and bond interest that inflated the $16,400. originally set aside for the project in 1872 to an astounding $1,000,000. by the time the final bond was retired in 1936.
Now fully restored and open to the public, this must-see structure, full of wonderful exhibits and memorabilia, is only a short stroll away from the Overland Hotel.

incoln County Museum •  69 Main St, Pioche NV •  (775) 962-5207      

   Another of Pioche’s little known attractions is the Lincoln County Museum, which provides an interesting journey back to our area’s lively past. Interactive mining and geologic exhibits and well-preserved antiquities from nearly 150 years of county history are here. A portion of the museum demonstrates how the inside of a respectable 19th century Pioche home might have been arranged, with original furnishings and momentos donated by the ancestors of one of our town’s prominent pioneer families.
A “walking map” of Pioche, which outlines all the other interesting historic sites in and around our town, is available here. Donations are gladly accepted from all museum visitors; your help in keeping Lincoln County history alive is much appreciated!
From the Overland Hotel, the Lincoln County Museum is only a brief walk up Pioche’s historic Main Street.

Eagle Valley Resort

Cathedral Gorge

Echo Canyon